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DBU - Version 11.0

Date: 05/16/2024
Type: Fix
Description: Issue when graphic fields are part of key list and trying to do a search using F6=Set Key.

Date: 03/19/2024
Type: Fix
Description: Updating file with multi members creating an error.

Date: 11/07/2023
Type: Fix
Description: Updated our address in the Help > Contact Info...

Date: 11/02/2023
Type: Fix
Description: Search/Replace screen not allowing user to send results to output file in SQL search mode.

Type: Customer Request
Description: Changed Search/Replace screen to allow user without authority to create duplicate objects to send results to an output file.

Date: 10/17/2023
Type: Fix
Description: Field was showing ?? at the end of it.

Date: 09/14/2023
Type: Fix
Description: DBU was going into ADD mode when paging down to bottom of SQL Tables.

Date: 08/09/2023
Type: Fix
Description: When trying to add a new record and getting duplicate key warning message, this was causing normal functions to act irregular.

Date: 07/26/2023
Type: Fix
Description: F6 Set key not positioning on Graphic defined field.

Date: 07/21/2023
Type: Fix
Description: DBU Apps having issues with add and deletes.

Date: 07/14/2023
Type: Fix
Description: Search feature is displaying same RRN number multiple times after execution.

Date: 06/30/2023
Type: Fix
Description: F6=Set key does not function after doing a DUP

Date: 06/15/2023
Type: Fix
Description: RRN control function creating error on certain files.

Type: Customer Request
Description: Created global variable in DBUAUT to Set a null field to nulls or blanks.

Date: 04/27/2023
Type: Fix
Description: JDE tables having issue with subsets that contain large amount of records.

Date: 03/20/2023
Type: Fix
Description: Page Right F20 was going to last record when there was not a full subset page after search.

Date: 02/21/2023
Type: Fix
Description: Number of records deleted not displaying.

Date: 02/15/2023
Type: Fix
Description: Deleting records creating an Occur value out of range message.

Date: 02/07/2023
Type: Fix
Description: DBU delete function was jumping RRN after a delete was processed.

Date: 01/10/2023
Type: Fix
Description: DBU app's coming up with blank records and key field criteria being ignored.

Date: 01/05/2023
Type: Fix
Description: Using DBU to look at the output of DSPJRN was not displaying all the fields.

Date: 12/09/2022
Type: Fix
Description: RRN was showing 3 when it should be 2 after deleting the only record in the file.

Date: 12/06/2022
Type: Fix
Description: Issues with unicode characters.

Date: 11/18/2022
Type: Fix
Description: Issue with UC2 data and causing Search/Replace to not position to correct records.

Date: 10/27/2022
Type: Fix
Description: Search/Replace was going to incorrect RRN when doing search on logical files.

Date: 09/07/2022
Type: Customer Request
Description: Allow user to set the job when a submit batch is executed during a search.

Date: 06/02/2022
Type: Fix
Description: SQL View not going to bottom of file when using 'B' on control field.

Date: 05/13/2022
Type: Fix
Description: New message in Search/Replace screen that tells user to send subset results to output file since a submit job is not allowed with OPNQRYF.

Date: 03/23/2022
Type: Fix
Description: JDE tables with numeric fields adding a 0 to the value.

Date: 03/08/2022
Type: Fix
Description: Selecting a record in multi-record mode to single record mode was going to last record in file due to some binary data issues.

Type: Fix
Description: When searching for a record in a small table in multi-record mode, the screen would fill page with same relative record number.

Date: 02/23/2022
Type: Fix
Description: Issue with files containing single record would not load.

Type: Fix
Description: Page up/down issue creating inconsistent RRN when paging to bottom of file and back up.

Date: 02/15/2022
Type: Fix
Description: Some inconsistent results when paging up and down after getting to the end of the file.

Date: 02/14/2022
Type: Fix
Description: DBU Changelog does not show original file and library in the spool file output if change happens in subset of data.

Date: 01/27/2022
Type: Fix
Description: DBUJRN was not showing full sequence number. Also DBUJRN and DSPJRN had a discrepancy.

Date: 01/25/2022
Type: Fix
Description: Updating in Multi-record mode and page up, the record is not updated.

Date: 01/07/2022
Type: Fix
Description: Search and Replace option was giving an error when using (') quote in the value for Replace.

Date: 01/06/2022
Type: Fix
Description: Delete record feature was skipping a record each time the operation was performed.

Date: 01/03/2022
Type: Fix
Description: When opening a second file and making a change, it was creating an I/O error to DBUPRT5.

Date: 12/15/2021
Type: Fix
Description: When deleting record from second open file, error would occur when exiting out of that file.

Type: Fix
Description: After creating a subset of data, delete was only working the on the first record deleted.

Date: 11/16/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Issue deleting from a DDM file.

Date: 11/15/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Issue with selecting first record in multi record mode and showing the last record.

Date: 11/09/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Records not getting added when file contained variable length field.

Date: 10/22/2021
Type: Fix
Description: In CHG mode, paging back and forth could cause an error.

Date: 09/30/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Issue with deleting (DLT) in multi-record mode.

Date: 09/28/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Keyed PF creating repeated lines.

Date: 09/27/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Inconsistent issues with paging up and down.

Type: Fix
Description: Screen positioning was not preforming will consistency.

Date: 08/27/2021
Type: Fix
Description: In single record mode, position of the field (Loc) were displaying invalid values as you page down.

Type: Fix
Description: Blank fields displaying reverse image that do not contain nulls.

Date: 08/25/2021
Type: Fix
Description: After deleting record and going to display mode, deleted record would show in the display. Record was deleted, but still in memory.

Date: 08/11/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Protect key fields was not allowing ADD mode to write to them.

Date: 08/03/2021
Type: New
Description: Supplemental User Group was added to DBU Command Security.

Date: 07/27/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Variable length fields in multi-record mode was displaying incorrectly if field carried over to the next screen by one character.

Date: 07/16/2021
Type: Fix
Description: When record is added, "Record Added" was not being shown.

Type: Fix
Description: DUP control option was showing screen with blanks fields if user did not apply duplicate records.

Date: 06/28/2021
Type: New
Description: Add option to DBUAUT that will turn off 'Check field data Masking'. Default is set to 'Y'.

Date: 06/11/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Value for column or variable too long error.

Date: 06/03/2021
Type: Customer Request
Description: F6=Set key has data populated and customer requested the fields be cleared.

Date: 06/02/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Data change on XML data was adding an extra character.

Date: 05/28/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Selecting multiple tables and continuing to next file not working.

Date: 05/10/2021
Type: Customer Request
Description: Created DBUCODES file to store multiple license codes to manage role swaps.

Type: Customer Request
Description: Added option of &GRPPRF to DBUCMDSEC to allow a rule to be set up for specific User Group Profiles.

Date: 04/07/2021
Type: Fix
Description: DBUJRN command was not accessing correct remote journal in a MIMIX environment.

Date: 04/05/2021
Type: Fix
Description: In Database Relations screen, file was defaulting to first member name and not the member that was specified.

Date: 03/30/2021
Type: Fix
Description: *DELETE in Search/Replace was not deleting records.

Date: 03/16/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Fixed some inconsistency with null fields in print programs.

Date: 03/11/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Issues with F15=Search/Replace screen when using certain files and file types.

Date: 03/02/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Files where retaining a lock after DBU user had exit the file.

Date: 02/25/2021
Type: Customer Request
Description: DBUJRN command now works with data areas.

Date: 02/17/2021
Type: New
Description: New option added to F4=List Fields screen to allow blanks to be written to fields that allow nulls. Default is to write nulls to field when the data is removed.

Date: 02/16/2021
Type: New
Description: In DBUAUT command, there is a new value to Protect Date/Time Editing. Some 5250 emulators will not work with this option.

Date: 02/15/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Define Search/Replace was creating incorrect results when selecting 2=Ignore Case.

Date: 02/10/2021
Type: New
Description: DBUJRN command will allow to switch output type from the default *TYPE2.

Date: 01/14/2021
Type: New
Description: Change DBUPTF data area to allow for DNS name instead of IP address.

Date: 01/11/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Field Name/Text in wrong place.

Date: 01/08/2021
Type: Fix
Description: DBU Change log was creating a spool file without any data.

Date: 01/07/2021
Type: Fix
Description: DBUJRN command was failing when switching keys. A matching parenthesis not found error.

Date: 01/06/2021
Type: Fix
Description: Switching to a different file/member would result in a error saying file has no members.

Date: 12/21/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Retain sequence number when switching to another logical file.

Date: 12/18/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Files that have zero records will be set to ADD mode.

Type: Fix
Description: When you exit out of DBU, Search/Replace screen will be cleared out when you return to the same file.

Type: Fix
Description: Getting an error when doing a Search/Replace and returning no records.

Date: 11/24/2020
Type: Fix
Description: DUP record issue with unique keys.

Date: 11/17/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Year portion of date field missing on JDE tables.

Date: 11/16/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Keyed physical files with REFACCPTH keyword was failing and shows no data.

Date: 11/06/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Hex values not updating properly.

Date: 11/02/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Data type of 'O' was creating a data mapping error because of unreadable data.

Date: 10/07/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Error message that DMMI is externally overriden was not displaying properly.

Type: Fix
Description: Token not valid was happening on certain fields type due to incorrect SQL syntax.

Date: 09/02/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Issue with F21=Submit to Batch during a search with a specific criteria selected.

Date: 08/25/2020
Type: New
Description: Added new command DBUWRKJOBD to work with Library Lists of Job Descriptions. Allows users to locate JOBs with requested Library in Library Lists and modify the Library Lists.

Date: 08/20/2020
Type: Fix
Description: DUP feature was not retaining the format of the fields original value.

Date: 07/28/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Issue with screen size and number of columns in single record mode.

Date: 07/13/2020
Type: Fix
Description: DUP feature was causing issue with negative numbers.

Type: Fix
Description: *DELETE in search/replace option was causing all records to be deleted instead of the subset requested.

Date: 06/12/2020
Type: Fix
Description: DBU App's would error if screen resolution was different then original resolution.

Date: 06/09/2020
Type: Fix
Description: DUP option was failing on numeric values with more than 16 bytes.

Date: 06/03/2020
Type: Fix
Description: DBU0083 pointer or parameter error when sorting fields.

Type: Fix
Description: Empty file with date field in last location not adding record to file.

Type: Fix
Description: Running a search with no values returned was causing an error.

Type: Fix
Description: DBUDTA command getting decimal data error when selecting the data area from a list.

Date: 05/26/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Fixed program to pick up the low level message that SQL issued when there is a constraint error.

Date: 05/20/2020
Type: Customer Request
Description: New option in DBUMNU menu to exclude libraries from the change log report setup in DBUAUT has been added. This allows 18 libraries to not have a audit log printed.

Date: 05/19/2020
Type: Customer Request
Description: Added option to exclude certain libraries from audit in DBUAUDMN.

Date: 05/13/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Issue updating date if field was last in the file.

Date: 04/23/2020
Type: Fix
Description: DUP control option on an SQL TABLE was getting an Token error.

Date: 04/17/2020
Type: Fix
Description: DBUMNU command was pointing to incorrect library DBU11DEV.

Date: 04/16/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Installer will look for latest version of DBU that is being used to copy existing settings from.

Date: 03/31/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Issues with updating JDE files. Reverted code back to same levels as DBU 10.0.

Type: Customer Request
Description: Allow users with *SECADM authority to modify DBU user authorities and not require QSECOFR as the only default.

Date: 03/13/2020
Type: Fix
Description: DBU RDi and DBU WEB search would fail on the second attempt.

Date: 03/06/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Search/Replace was not working when setting 'Kind of Match' to 2=Ignore Case with a date or time field in the search criteria.

Date: 02/26/2020
Type: Fix
Description: DUP option was creating record in first member if multiple members existed for a file.

Date: 02/05/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Search by Key was getting a incorrect record number in subfile SFLRCDNBR or SFLSIZ field error when multi-format files existed.

Date: 01/31/2020
Type: Fix
Description: DBU Exit programs had a bug that was causing inconsistency in passing correct parms.

Type: Fix
Description: Column heading text with '+' in it was causing an issue with the text to be broke out and not maintain the intended single value.

Type: Fix
Description: Search by Key Field was getting an error on RRN with database relations that contained numerous logicals or views.

Date: 01/28/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Large number of SQL constraints caused numeric value to be too small and created error.

Date: 01/17/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Issue updating negative fields with decimal points.

Date: 01/08/2020
Type: Fix
Description: DUP control feature was not adding a new record(s).

Date: 01/07/2020
Type: Fix
Description: Error when updating record with negative field.

Date: 12/19/2019
Type: Fix
Description: DBU exit program was not working when a delete record occurred.

Date: 12/12/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Set RSTOBJ value RSTASPDEV to *SAVASPDEV and RSTASP to *SAVASP to prevent INSTDBU program from failing during install.

Date: 12/02/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Add fix to support other languages CCSID ex.(1026 Turkey) and not receive error "prepared statement not found".

Date: 11/25/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Record XXX not updated because Insert/Delete key was used. Program was changed to allow Insert/Delete on Hex values in Change mode.

Date: 11/21/2019
Type: Fix
Description: CRTLIB command during used during install process was changed to always be set to *CHANGE instead of using default *SYSVAL of QCRTAUT.

Date: 10/23/2019
Type: Fix
Description: "Not Authorized" error when trying to create a DBU APP. DBUAPPS2 in DBU11 needs *PUBLIC to be changed too *ALL authority.

Date: 10/10/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Fixed numerous bugs; Retrieveing double byte records, f15 search key not keeping fields on screen, paging down generates error, occur out of range on large file.

Date: 09/30/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Data mapping error timestamp fields.

Type: Fix
Description: Prepared Statement not found on field that contains double byte characters.

Date: 09/26/2019
Type: New
Description: A new save screen has been added when saving a modified DBUAPP to shorten the process

Type: Fix
Description: In single record mode, getting "Occur value is out of range" error when paging down.

Date: 09/25/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Null capable field that has zero (decimal field) or a blank (char field) is showing Null.

Date: 09/23/2019
Type: Fix
Description: During update of Time data type an error was generated, 'Record not updated, I/O error detected'.

Date: 09/13/2019
Type: New
Description: In Data Base Relations screen, a "Search for Key" options was added. This will allow to search for the key in the first position or within the list of available keys. You can also search for a group of keys in order listed in file.

Type: Fix
Description: DBUJRN command processing was defaulting to *ALL on the second parameter for FILE.

Type: Customer Request
Description: Add "Release" in front of date at bottom of DBU screen. DBU 11.0 COPYRIGHT(C) 2017 PRODATA COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. RELEASE 09/13/19.

Date: 09/11/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Null value within SQL table was not showing dash.

Date: 09/10/2019
Type: Fix
Description: AUD expires message happening without ever using DBU Audit.

Type: Fix
Description: SQL tables with more than 60+ constraints creates error. "OCCUR value is out of range".

Date: 08/26/2019
Type: Fix
Description: DBUJRN says file is empty and user is not authorized to ADD records.

Date: 08/08/2019
Type: Fix
Description: DBUJRN command was getting an error that a matching parenthesis is missing.

Date: 07/25/2019
Type: Customer Request
Description: Added F5=Refresh to DBU Member List screen to update number of records count.

Date: 07/03/2019
Type: Customer Request
Description: DBUAPP command will allow user to have Default Mode changed during command run-time and not be restricted by DBU Authority (DBUAUT).

Date: 06/28/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Page down on last record would cause RRN record number to re-position.

Date: 06/18/2019
Type: Fix
Description: When using the option to output results to a file, Create File *YES would override a existing file. Will now be stopped and required to use *NO if file already exist.

Date: 05/10/2019
Type: Fix
Description: SQL views would come up in display mode when returning from the database relations and have incorrect data.

Date: 05/08/2019
Type: Fix
Description: DBU Audit was not journaling logical file deletes.

Date: 05/06/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Library with '.' in it would cause an error when deleting a record. "Prepared statement not found".

Date: 03/21/2019
Type: Fix
Description: QTEMP library no longer required to be above DBU.

Type: Fix
Description: Updated DBU11/DBUSRC member DBUCDBU1 to allow customization with DBU 11.0.

Date: 03/20/2019
Type: Fix
Description: When deleting a record from an Index, user receiving error "Prepared statement not found.

Type: Fix
Description: Removed parameter from install process. Requires new DBU11.exe download for install or error will receive 'CPF0001 received by procedure INSTDBU.'

Date: 03/14/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Changed the way we get SQL details for a job to QSYS2.SYSCOLUMNS2 to speed up initial load of DBU. Valid V7R1 and up.

Date: 03/04/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Issue with license codes ending in 5999.

Date: 02/27/2019
Type: Fix
Description: License codes gave message that DBU was permanently installed without correct LPAR. Using DBU caused message that trial had expired.

Date: 02/26/2019
Type: Fix
Description: RDR not displaying data if table had column headings.

Date: 02/21/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Change the way DBUSEC gets the LPAR id's.

Date: 02/19/2019
Type: Fix
Description: ('Command failed! See /tmp/sshcmd.log'). Removed DBUSVR commands during an install process.

Date: 02/01/2019
Type: Customer Request
Description: QTEMP is moved to top of user library list when using DBU command. QTEMP will now be returned to previous location after you exit DBU.

Date: 01/22/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Files with a '.' in them would not delete a record and give a Prepared statement not found error.

Date: 01/17/2019
Type: Fix
Description: Data Base Rrelations screen not allowing 3=Triggers, 4=Constraints, 5=Journals on keyed physical file.

Type: Fix
Description: DBUSQL command was maxing out the RRN at 9999.

Date: 01/10/2019
Type: Fix
Description: When creating an SQL statement to delete the record, the program worked fine with 8 or 9 character file name when concatenated with 'WHERE RRN(', but when the file name was 10 characters, the program would end up with a statement like 'FILENAME01WHERE RRN('. Changed the program to include a leading space on the WHERE clause. ' WHERE RRN('

Date: 01/07/2019
Type: Fix
Description: If both the current data and the saved data are blank, DBU was skipping any updating or deleting.

Date: 01/04/2019
Type: Fix
Description: If field has trigger, DBU would lock up when the field was cleared.

Date: 12/21/2018
Type: Fix
Description: DBUJRN after image was showing blank, but will now show a highlighted underline.

Date: 12/20/2018
Type: Fix
Description: Data mapping error occurs when deleting a record when versioning is turned on.

Date: 12/12/2018
Type: Fix
Description: DBUSQL was not finding DBURRN data area.

Date: 12/07/2018
Type: Fix
Description: DBUAPP was not selecting the right format which was generating an error.

Date: 12/06/2018
Type: Fix
Description: DBU option using type *DTAQ was not allowing the delete of a record.

Date: 12/04/2018
Type: Fix
Description: If SQL CREATE TABLE was used with DEFAULT values, DBU ADD mode would not allow record to be added without changing the data.

Date: 11/14/2018
Type: Fix
Description: DBURDBCFG is generating an error in program DBU2006.

Date: 10/31/2018
Type: Fix
Description: Prepared statement not found. Fixed program to update an SQL Index.

Date: 10/30/2018
Type: Fix
Description: JDE changed data types and it was causing a error. DBU0106 in DBU11 was changed to SQLPRGLE and was not handling the error.

Date: 10/12/2018
Type: Fix
Description: DBUSVRSBS data area was not getting created during install. DBUSVRRST command was failing.

Date: 10/10/2018
Type: Customer Request
Description: Added toggle feature to Data Base Relations screen to show/hide SQL Views. F19=Exclude VIEWS.

Date: 10/05/2018
Type: Fix
Description: If you type 'T' in the control field and then press page down, it does not page down on first try.

Date: 10/04/2018
Type: Fix
Description: DBUSEC command with an Lpar Partition 1 Current Partition 1 will accept codes that end in 5999. Previously only accept 5101.

Type: Fix
Description: DBUPTF only works if the customer is current on maintenance, but release date was still getting updated with current release.

Date: 09/07/2018
Type: Customer Request
Description: DBUQUE command only allowed the display of a data queue. We have added the ability to update, delete and add an entry.

Date: 09/05/2018
Type: Fix
Description: License code not valid. A license code with 5101 at the end of it would not work for a Lpar Partitions 1 and Current Partition ID 1.

Date: 09/04/2018
Type: Fix
Description: DBU users are getting error messages for no authority to QLZADDLI. CHGPGM PGM(DBU11/DBU0219) USRPRF(*OWNER) fixed the issue.

DBU - Version 10.0

Date: 01/10/2018
Type: Fix
Description: Customer is getting errors on Field Proc files.

Type: Fix
Description: DBU is creating spool files even DBUAUT is not set to do that

Date: 01/09/2018
Type: Fix
Description: DBU users are getting error messages for no authority to QLZADDLI.

Date: 01/02/2018
Type: Fix
Description: Uses has multiple records to delete. After deleting first record, DBU goes back to display mode. After going back to delete mode, user had to press Enter multiple times to get record deleted.

Type: Fix
Description: While at end of file, pressing Page Down causes DBU to go to the top of the file.

Date: 12/22/2017
Type: Fix
Description: User is getting a "Valid Token" error

Date: 10/16/2017
Type: Customer Request
Description: Customer has a DBU APP that has a character field that gets populated with numbers and wants to auto fill the unused leading characters with zeros. This can be set after accessing a file then using F4=List fields then using F15=Field security.

Date: 10/12/2017
Type: Fix
Description: User gets a RPG0401 error when using DBU to do a search in batch

Date: 10/05/2017
Type: Fix
Description: After updating using DBUPTF, some customers get an RNQ1255 error when using DBU on a logical file then using F6 to position by key.

Date: 10/04/2017
Type: Fix
Description: DBUPRTJRN calls DBUEXIT program when it should not

Date: 09/04/2017
Type: Fix
Description: DBUAPP with a generic application name (ends in *) gives a hard error when no applications are found.

Date: 08/31/2017
Type: Fix
Description: User gets an error message that data area DBUEXT was not found.

Date: 08/15/2017
Type: Fix
Description: After creating a copy of the DBU command in QGPL to avoid putting the DBU library in the USER library list, the following error message is generated: "The DBU library CAN NOT be part of your SYSTEM library list".

Type: Fix
Description: After putting a copy of the DBU command in QGPL, using a generic file name (i.e. DBU FIL*) causes a hard error.

Date: 08/10/2017
Type: Fix
Description: An error generated by the RDBWORKER job is causing backups to fail.

Date: 08/07/2017
Type: Fix
Description: An "Array Index is out of range" error is generated when updating a DBUAPP authorization list.

Date: 08/04/2017
Type: Fix
Description: Using DBUJRN to select a file via a remote journal fails even when the member name is specified.

Date: 07/31/2017
Type: Fix
Description: User is not allowed to change or add records but has full object level and DBU profile authorities.

Date: 06/30/2017
Type: Fix
Description: Changing multiple fields in multiple records updates only the first record.

Date: 06/16/2017
Type: Fix
Description: A user has excessive authority failure messages when using DBU RDi.

Date: 06/14/2017
Type: Fix
Description: DBU is not updating a timestamp in a SQL table with a six digit fraction of a second.

Type: Fix
Description: After modifying a timestamp field, the first six characters in the following field are blank.

Date: 06/02/2017
Type: Fix
Description: Unable to make a change to a Temporal Table using DBU.

Date: 05/02/2017
Type: Fix
Description: An "Array index out of range" error is generated when DBU is used on a file that has an encrypted field.

Type: Fix
Description: After a recent update, errors are generated when paging up/down or scrolling left/right.

Date: 04/19/2017
Type: Fix
Description: A spool file calles MASKFILE is being generated when DBU is used to work on a file.

Date: 04/14/2017
Type: Fix
Description: DBU Audit is not picking up changes made to some files.

Date: 04/03/2017
Type: Fix
Description: DBUJRN takes much longer to run after latest update.

Date: 03/17/2017
Type: Fix
Description: When in Multiple Record display, a user is unable to blank out a field and gets a "Record not found for update..." message. No errors occur when in Single Record display.

Date: 03/08/2017
Type: Fix
Description: When using DBU, F21 does not switch between Single/Multiple record displays. F21 only positions to the last record of the file. This only occurs with some files, when in KEY sequence.

Date: 02/28/2017
Type: Fix
Description: DBURDB creates multiple duplicate records.

Type: Fix
Description: When exporting a file with double byte graphic fields to DDS, the graphic field sizes are doubled.

Type: Fix
Description: When scrolling down to the last page of data in Multiple Record Display Mode, or using "B" to move to the bottom of the records, not all records are displayed.

Date: 01/25/2017
Type: Fix
Description: DBUAPP command generates OCCUR value out of range message

Date: 09/08/2016
Type: Fix
Description: DBU10 install fails. Object not found: /PRODATA/DBURDI

Type: Fix
Description: Data areas are missing and file DBUUSERS is empty after updating DBU10. The install program has been changed to check for users before starting and lock out users while the install program is running.

Date: 07/28/2016
Type: Fix
Description: User gets a message that DBU is expired after using the software once. Reentering the access code in DBUSEC allows DBU to be used again, but subsequent uses generate another "expired" message.

Date: 03/08/2016
Type: Fix
Description: When using DBU search to create a subset, the search criteria are lost if the subset is not created.

Type: Fix
Description: DBUJRN gives the wrong results with a journal entry type of IL.

Type: Fix
Description: PRT and DLT fast path commands are not working correctly.

Date: 02/22/2016
Type: Fix
Description: RDR gives decimal data error on some files.

Type: Fix
Description: User gets "OCCUR value out of range" error when using DBU Audit.

Type: Customer Request
Description: When in the "DBU Field Selection" screen and looking for a character string as defined in "Position to Text Containing", pressing F13 to go to each occurrence works fine. However, when paging down past the last field entry, a hard error is generated.

Type: Customer Request
Description: A user requested that *KEY be added to the PRTOPT parameter of the DBUPRTJRN command so that only KEY fields and changed fields are shown. The idea is to keep the report short when a small number of fields are changed in a large record, identifying the record based on KEY.

Date: 01/29/2016
Type: Fix
Description: User gets "Occur value out of range" error when doing a search on a SYS36 type of file.

Type: Fix
Description: When trying to do a search and specifying that results be placed in a subset of records, the search appears to go into a loop. This does not occur when signed on as QSECOFR.

Type: Fix
Description: Null integer fields are not being highlighted.

Type: Customer Request
Description: User would like to have the cursor's positional location displayed when looking at a large data area.

Date: 12/14/2015
Type: Fix
Description: On a V7.2 OS, a search for a specific program in SYSPROCS creates hundreds of dumps/logs

Type: Fix
Description: Some date fields are displayed as blank

Date: 10/14/2015
Type: Fix
Description: DBU search application fails when performed over a logical file.

Date: 10/06/2015
Type: Fix
Description: Once a DBU search application has been created, subsequent uses of the application will not allow use of F15 to redefine the search. The following message is displayed: "F15 and F16 are not allowed with DATA SUBSET"

Date: 09/16/2015
Type: Fix
Description: When using DBU to update a record that has a CLOB field, the data in the CLOB field is lost. The CLOB data can now be viewed.

Date: 09/10/2015
Type: Customer Request
Description: Customer requested that DBU be capable of displaying data in a CLOB field.

Date: 06/17/2015
Type: Fix
Description: Unable to view multiple records (F21) of file with 2.1 billion records.

Date: 06/15/2015
Type: Customer Request
Description: Is it possible to have DBU clean up work files in QTEMP on exiting DBU unless the user responds to an exit prompt and indicates otherwise?

Date: 05/14/2015
Type: Fix
Description: DBUPRTJRN command goes into a loop.

Type: Fix
Description: DBU10 installation from the downloaded executable fails with a CPF2407 message ID. Only the DBUINSTALL library is created. The DBU10 library did not get created.

Type: Fix
Description: DBU EXIT is not logging the correct RRN.

Date: 05/06/2015
Type: Fix
Description: In multiple record display, characters were deleted from multiple records but only the last record changed updated correctly.

Type: Fix
Description: A "divide by zero" error is generated while attempting to use DBU on a Logical File

Type: Fix
Description: After using the DBU search feature to create a subset, a T in the control field goes to the first record in the subset, but a B gives a "Beginning/End of file reached" message and the screen display does not change.

Type: Fix
Description: Installing DBU10 from a CD that was created using the ISO image resulted in error on restore command.

Date: 04/16/2015
Type: Fix
Description: The DBUPRTJRN report does not log the RRN to the EXIT program for logical files.

Type: Fix
Description: When using DBU to do a SQL search, upon exiting the user is presented with the "Make View/Index permanent" window. DBU does not respond (save) after filling out the file and library information. User is only able to exit DBU without saving.

Type: Fix
Description: A customer uses DBU to do an SQL search on a file containing a column/field named "USER", but no records are selected. DBU can now complete SQL searches when a column/field name is a SQL reserved word.

Type: Fix
Description: A user is unable to change/update a record in a joined logical file after using DBU SQL search to access it.

Type: Fix
Description: After accessing a file using DBUAPP, defining a search in legacy display, then toggling to SQL search, the Define Search/Replace screen displays, but without any column/field names.

Type: Customer Request
Description: A customer wants the ability to use DBUAUT to set the default search parameter "Kind of match" to 2=Ignore case

Date: 03/12/2015
Type: Fix
Description: When in multiple record format, user is unable to make changes to additional records after the first record is successfully changed.

Type: Fix
Description: User gets "Invalid SQL Statement" when doing search with DBU.

Date: 02/16/2015
Type: Fix
Description: A DBU search to a subset returns the desired records plus the first record in the file.

Date: 01/07/2015
Type: Fix
Description: User is unable to add a record to an empty file.

Type: Customer Request
Description: A customer wants DBU to retain the subset option when doing searches.

Date: 12/24/2014
Type: Fix
Description: After creating a subset of records displayed in multiple record mode, the user changed to single record then back to multi mode. The resulting display showed only one record.

Type: Fix
Description: User is unable to convert a UNIQUE KEY in a physical file DDS to a PRIMARY KEY in DDL.

Date: 11/24/2014
Type: Fix
Description: DBUJRN was not returning all records when a variable length field exists, OS v7.1. Error generated was CPF5035. Fix for handling variable length fields in DBUJRN

Date: 09/11/2014
Type: Fix
Description: When a user does a DBU search on a numeric JDE file the resulting display does not show the value for the number of decimal positions.

Date: 09/09/2014
Type: New
Description: When in Multiple Record Mode a user can now double-click on a Field Number, Field Name or Column Headings and DBU will window over, starting at that field.

Date: 09/05/2014
Type: Fix
Description: When records are deleted by DBU, the DBU EXIT program is receiving RRN = 0 on the AD entry. Fix for DBUEXTPGM facility.

Date: 08/29/2014
Type: Fix
Description: My RRN is defined as 1050. I am getting it correctly on the AU entries. I just noticed one entry did provide RRN on AD, and AA did not provide RRN. Fix for DBUEXTPGM facility and RRN.

Date: 08/12/2014
Type: Fix
Description: Seeing the journal of a file which contains date fields not initialized (with value '0001-01-01') gives a correlation error and it cannot be visualized. Fix for null handling in DBUJRN.

Type: Fix
Description: We have issues with journal values being returned incorrectly. Fix for DBUJRN journal values being incorrectly displayed problem.

Date: 08/08/2014
Type: Customer Request
Description: The DBUEXTPGM command can't handle the number of files we're required to track. This would be a bit more convenient if I only had to put in the PF instead of every single LF that might be used in DBU. Fix for DBUEXTPGM facility.

Date: 08/06/2014
Type: Fix
Description: While in multi-record mode, if the user disables both the mouse control and the function key display then the control field commands do not work. Fix for control field problem.

Date: 08/05/2014
Type: Fix
Description: User gets invalid token error when updating a record containing an auto-generated field. User was entering two words separated by a space. Fix for SQL auto-generated field problem.

Date: 08/04/2014
Type: Fix
Description: User gets CPF1088 in program DBUCJRN1 when using DBUJRN. Fix for DBUJRN problem.

Type: Fix
Description: User is not getting the RRN which will be used to match up the audit report to to a log later for tracking. Fix for DBUEXTPGM facility.

Date: 07/31/2014
Type: Fix
Description: User gets invalid token error when updating a record containing an auto-generated field. Fix for SQL auto-generated field.

Date: 07/30/2014
Type: Fix
Description: DBU display of *DTAQ with SENDERID(*YES) is incorrect. Problem is not obvious until the second queue entry and then it appends to the previous queue entry. Fix for Data Queue display with SENDERID (*YES).

Date: 07/28/2014
Type: Fix
Description: Open a file in single record mode, type 'B' to go to last record then F21 for Multiple record mode and then 'T'. The display stays on the last record. If you put it in Single record mode and type 'T' it does take you to the top. Fix for moving from top to bottom in multiple record mode.

Date: 07/07/2014
Type: New
Description: Parameters added to the EXIT PROGRAM function. These new parameters are: File Name, Library Name, Member Name, Relative Record Number.

Type: New
Description: DBU can now access the maximum number of records an IBM i file can hold (per member). The maximum number of records went from 99,999,999 to 4,294,967,295.

Type: Fix
Description: Engine enhancements and fixes have also been incorporated!

Date: 06/30/2014
Type: Fix
Description: When opening a second file in DBU, there are no headings for the second file. Fix for headings display in DBU.

Type: Fix
Description: With multiple files opened, when user switches between windows long fields are split up onto multiple lines. Fix for data display in DBU.

Date: 06/27/2014
Type: Customer Request
Description: User wants to be able to match a help ticket number to a DBU change on the audit report. Fix for DBUEXTPGM facility.

Date: 06/25/2014
Type: Fix
Description: An Intel AMT user is a member of an Active Directory group can now authenticate automatically in a Kerberos network environment

Date: 06/10/2014
Type: New
Description: RDB Plug-in included

Type: New
Description: JDE Plug-in included

Type: New
Description: Generic selection of multiple files - added to the commands of options 1 - 5 from the DBUMNU

Type: New
Description: Multiple Record Mode - when in Multiple Record Mode, if the user enters +nn or -nn the file will advance/backup nn number of records.

Type: Fix
Description: Define Search/Replace - the File, Library, Member and Format information is now displayed

Type: Fix
Description: Administrator unable to use DBUCMDSEC to limit user access to a specific library. Fix for DBUCMDSEC facility.

Date: 06/02/2014
Type: Fix
Description: DBU search of JDE file using two fields as criteria gives wrong record. Fix for JDE file problem.

Type: Fix
Description: When looking at a file in arrival mode, entering a record # into the control field takes you all the way to the end of the file. Entering any # greater than 42 takes you to the end of the file. Fix for RRN positioning problem.

Date: 05/22/2014
Type: Fix
Description: DBUFLD has stopped displaying the alias field name. The file/table is defined with both SQL and system names. Fix for alias field names in SQL view.

Date: 05/21/2014
Type: Fix
Description: User gets RNQ0103 when doing DBU search on multi-record format LF over many PFs. Fix for multiple record format logical.

Date: 05/19/2014
Type: Fix
Description: The DBU field list over a SQL view does not display the assigned column names. Fix for field list over an SQL view.

Date: 05/13/2014
Type: Fix
Description: User enters RRN in control field but correct record is not always displayed. Fix for displaying correct RRN when using control field.

Type: Fix
Description: User is unable to use DBU to insert records in a table that has identity columns defined. Fix for adding record to SQL created file with identity columns.

Type: Fix
Description: User is able to successfully create an application, but when the application is run the screen comes up, but no data are displayed. Fix for creating a new DBUAPP and the file comes up blank.

Date: 05/12/2014
Type: Fix
Description: User gets Token not valid error when updating a SQL created file that contains an auto-generated field. Fix for updating SQL created file with auto-generated field.

Date: 03/03/2014
Type: Fix
Description: When a user presses the list fields function, and types a field name, or finds it by typing in partial text, then scrolls back to previous fields, it looks like the program is going back 10 lines, even though there are only 8 displayed on the screen at a time. Fix for field listing and scrolling.

Date: 01/31/2014
Type: Fix
Description: When in a multi-record format LF and one format has more pages than another (i.e. format1 has 4 pages of fields and format2 has 2 pages of fields), DBU amends if you are on a page of fields in format1 that does not exist in the subsequent format2 and you press Enter to go to the next record. Fix for multiple record format logical files.

Date: 01/30/2014
Type: Fix
Description: Array index error message displayed when user tries to replace a DBU application. DBUAPP array index error problem fixed.

Type: Fix
Description: I/O error message displayed when unauthorized user tries to update a file. Changed message to be more descriptive if user is not authorized to update file.

Type: Fix
Description: Application error message CEE9901 displayed when user tries to replace a DBU application. Fixed error message when replacing a DBU Application.

Type: Fix
Description: When you DBU a file and then use F14 to change files, once you select the file to change the original text is displayed instead of the text for the selected file. Fix to change text for new file when changing files in DBU.

DBU - Version 9.0

Date: 07/07/2013
Type: New
Description: DBUSQL Command - allows you to search using SQL syntax without first opening a file in DBU

Type: New
Description: DBUJRN in Batch - parameters can be included in a CL program and run in batch, used in a Job Schedule Entry (ADDJOBSCDE) or run using Submit Job (SBMJOB)

Type: Fix
Description: Data Area/User Space - audit trails can be created and viewed

Date: 06/10/2013
Type: New
Description: Search User Spaces - use DBU to search for specific values. Once you have accessed a user space using the DBUSPC command, use F15 to bring up the screen to define the search. The value is limited to 34 characters.

Type: New
Description: DBUCMDSEC Command - gives administrator enhanced control over what data users can access using DBU

Type: New
Description: DBUEXTPGM Command - exit programs can be set to execute when performing selected functions